• Protect yourself from fraud and other cyber crimes

Security Statement

Your online security is our #1 concern. Nothing is more important. Our job is to make sure your account and personal information are always secure.

  • Our Security Measures
  • Here are some of the ways we provide the utmost in online security:
  • We use Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security to provide a 128-bit secure link between your browser and us. A Global Digital certificate signed by VeriSign assures that you are, in fact, communicating with ONE Bank Limited and not a copycat site.
  • We have built a time-out into your logon session. Your connection to our site will be closed after a period of inactivity. This protects you in case you forget to log out. We have also included virtual keyboard to protect against keylogger.
  • We use firewalls and other technology to block unauthorised traffic to our site. Our state-of-the-art monitoring equipment ensures that unauthorised access is prevented.
  • Information is always encrypted between areas of ONE Bank Head office and between ONE Bank branches. It's one more way to ensure the security of your personal information.
  • What you can do for your Secure Banking
  • Protect your personal information. Never disclose your password to anyone, even a customer service representative from a company with which you want to do business.
  • Avoid sending personal information via email unless the security is specifically outlined.
  • Only provide merchants information necessary for a transaction.
  • Only interact with websites of reputable companies. If you are unsure of the company status then ask for paper brochures/materials to be sent to your home address.
  • Always check address bar to be sure you are on the website of the company with which you want to do business. Website names (URLs) that are very similar to those of legitimate companies can easily be created by someone intending to commit fraud.
  • Take the time to read the provider's Website Privacy Policy before proceeding. This should outline both the company's security measures and personal information sharing policies.
  • Ensure the site is encrypted before providing account or other personal information. Look for a key or lock on your screen and confirm the URL begins with https://
  • Use unique passwords for registration with various websites for making e-commerce or other transactions or business.
  • Always keep a record of your online transactions.
  • Use a secure browser.
Learn about Cyber-crimes, online frauds and scams to stay safe against them. Be a smart user digital online banking. Explore our quick tips to protect against online frauds.
Online Security Tips

  • Protect your mobile phone as it may contain personal information
  • Update your web
  • Always back-up your data in external hard disk which has no internet connection
  • Keep your paper based bank statement secured or destroy completely after use
  • Learn to identify fake
    emails and fake websites
  • Install anti-virus software and keep the software up-to-date